Michael Powell CRe-AM Interview

Name : Michael Powell

Job Title : Subject Leader and Principal Lecturer

Organisation : De Montfort University

Sector : Video Games Art and Animation

Web Link : https://www.linkedin.com/pub/michael-powell/1/a48/7a2

Interview Date : TBA

Location : Skype or Face to Face

Short Biography

I'm passionate about helping people develop a full set of aptitudes and skills for a creative future. 

Currently I am actively developing emotional intelligence and strengths-based approaches to curriculum design. In a volatile, highly competitive world, creative people are going to need much more than highly evolved craft skills to thrive.

I'm very interested in developing my career towards Educational Leadership. And as always, through the course I lead, playing my part in keeping Britain at the forefront of the Creative Industries world-wide.

As a Course Leader in a fast evolving field, coupled with all that's going on in the UKHE sector, I have a proven track record of effectively managing change, and am consistently entrepreneurial in my approach to opportunities.


1. What current technologies and tools fulfill your needs in your practice?

2. What technologies do you see emerging in the next 5-10 years?

3. Could you identify any strengths and weaknesses with these technologies?


4. Do you think there are additional technologies or tools needed, or that you would wish for?


5. If these were available what would you be creating?

6. Can you see any strengths and weakness involved?

7. What do you recommend to fill the gap between creators and technology providers?